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Lovely items - who wouldn't love to be the recipient of that parcel?!


we adore everything. My 2.5 year old daughter was WILD for the star! And the tealight...put it in the holder; take it out of the holder. LOL

Seriously...we just loved it all! We'll be lighting all the candles and the silhouette for solstice on Saturday.




mama to 7
one homemade and 6 adopted

*expecting again....from Ethiopia


Michelle, I should have put it in this post too. I got the star tutorial off another blog and had linked it in a previous post. http://www.54stitches.com/2009/11/as-promised-if-a-little-late.html

Go make one!

Michelle Winson

Oh Oh Oh - can you please do a tutorial for the star. It is totally FAB. Thanks Michelle


ooh! we are on the same wave length...i made one of those lanterns for my seasons round partner, too! i posted a tutorial for them on my blog recently. that star is absolutely stunning!!! amazing. thanks for the silhouette tutorial. excited to try this out.....in that free time you speak of! ;)

i am very excited about your giveaway. still trying to think of the perfect name...... ;)


Thank you for the tutorial! What an amazing package you sent off!


Wonderful Tutorial! This is a super fun project!

The Tan Family - Syrendell

Beautiful! Thank you for sharing each step.

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